New Baby Comes to Dorie’s Promise…

Welcome Yire Abraham Moya Garcia Just wanted to update you on our new addition at Dorie’s Promise. Last week we received a 3 month baby boy! We believe he will be with us for sometime. He was abandon at the hospital and the government is trying to locate his mother! Till then his home is...

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One Year Anniversary

Our One Year Anniversary Can you believe it?  This week marks the one year anniversary of our launch of Forever Changed International.  God has blessed us in that time. It is so hard to believe that just a year ago we were putting together our nonprofit status, building the website, making changes...

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New Baby Boy Arrives!

“ Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.” – Psalm 27:10 This verse reminds me of the new little bundle of joy we just received…. On a rainy afternoon last week our phone rang.  It was a social worker asking us if we could receive a 12 day old baby boy into our...

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Dorie Van Stone Tells Her Story

This week Dorie Van Stone told her amazing story on Living With Joy. Click the links and hear her move from the pain of her life in the orphanage to healing through the gospel. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

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Another New Baby!

We just received a beautiful new baby girl at Dorie´s Promise today! Her name is Rocio and she is only five months old. The Social Worker didn’t give us much information about her case, but as far as we know her mother is a minor (a minor in Guatemala means she is 18 or younger). Rocio and her...

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We Survived the Volcano and Storm!

The last week has been full of surprises! We’ve all become very aware of the strength of nature and the impact it can have on people. It all started last Thursday.  We were surprised to see black rain falling from the sky.  The black rain was a mixture of water and ash.  The Pacaya volcano that is...

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Volcano Report: Everyone is Just Fine

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know that everyone at Dorie’s Promise is fine. Yesterday afternoon “Pacaya” volcano, wich is located 50kms from the city, erupted sending a big cloud of ash into the sky.  Ash fell everywhere in the city, up to 7cms in some parts of the city....

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A Mother’s Day Thank You!

We Love Our Special Mothers! Mother’s Day is always a special day at Dorie’s Promise.  Even though many of the women who work in this special home don’t have kids of their own, they know these precious kids see them as more than just workers.  They see them as mothers. This past...

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See the Pictures – New Baby at Dorie’s Promise!

Karoli Rubi is a small, precious miracle.  Now four months old, this 12-pound little girl is a survivor against all odds. Before Karoli was born, her mother was diagnosed with HIV.  The public hospital staff was concerned that her mother’s disease would be handed down to her, and took every...

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God Whispers

“Let us touch the dying, the poor, the lonely and the unwanted according to the graces we have received and let us not be ashamed or slow to do the humble work”.  –Mother Teresa By Lorri Perreault Don’t you just love it when God “whispers” to you and your heart is open to hear His request? It’s...

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New Baby at Dorie’s Promise

Little Maria Alejandra was born into a world of adversity.  She was born in the streets where, shortly after her birth she was picked up by an ambulance and brought to a hospital.  There was literally no room for her in any of the government orphanages.  Try as they might, the hospital personnel...

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Announcing Dorie’s Promise

Thank you for joining us today to celebrate the life of the amazing woman that inspired me to take my first trip to Romania when I was just eighteen. I think we all can remember back to special people in our lives that have inspired us to follow God’s will. As God allowed us to watch their steps...

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