The Current State of Adoption in Guatemala

The world of adoptions presents many challenges, especially in a country like Guatemala where child protection and respect for human rights are still progressing. When discussing Guatemalan adoptions, it is essential to understand the context affecting the country and its children. Adoption by the...

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Understanding What Makes Our Special Mothers Special

At 7 am, our Special Mothers workday begins and doesn’t end until the next day. In those 24 hours, a Special Mother invests all her mind and heart into taking care of the children in the home. Not only do they ensure the children are clean, dressed, and fed, but they also give the children...

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Serving in New Ways at Dorie’s Promise

As anyone who has visited Dorie’s Promise recently can share, a shift is occurring within our home. More and more, our resources are being divided between two distinct needs: older children who have lived at Dorie’s Promise long-term and short-term foster placements. Affirming Our Mission Our...

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Alejandra’s New Path in School

The new school year offers many opportunities for our home and children. We’re very excited to share that Alejandra will be the first child in our home to complete high school through our homeschool ISEA program. High School in Guatemala In Guatemala, high school begins with 3 standard years,...

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Planning for the 2024 School Year

Every year we learn a bit more from our kids and every year we try to meet their needs even better. Using insight from our children and staff, we’re once again making changes to our Dorie’s Promise’s educational program to meet the needs and abilities of our children. What’s Not Changing...

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Family First in 2023

Ah, 2023—a rollercoaster of surprises, triumphs, and sheer joy! Our family’s favorite moments are too vast to list every single one. But that’s the beauty of it—a giant family means constant companionship through both the highs and the unknown twists life throws at us. Let’s dive...

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Learning and Growing Together in 2023

In 2023, our year was packed with surprises and enriching experiences, especially in the realm of education. We’ve seen remarkable changes in our children’s motivation to learn, and that brings us immense satisfaction. Our biggest takeaway? Understanding our children’s needs and...

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