New Baby Boy Arrives!

New born moved to Dorie's Promise Guatemala for care

“ Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.” – Psalm 27:10

This verse reminds me of the new little bundle of joy we just received….

On a rainy afternoon last week our phone rang.  It was a social worker asking us if we could receive a 12 day old baby boy into our home.  Our answer….  YES!

Two hours later there was a knock on our front door.  A beautiful baby boy joined our family here at Dorie’s Promise.

The social worker explained to us that this little boy did not have a name and asked us to name him.  Special Mother Diana was translating for me, when she said the little boy did not have a name, I was shocked.  The social worker asked us if we would name him.

Right away Diana said, “We will name him Christian Gabriel.”

She explained, “The Lord will continue to watch over his children as the Angel Gabriel watches over us.”

What an honor to see this little boy join our home and receive a name.  Baby Christian has been adjusting well and is starting to open his eyes more and more each day.  Please pray for strength and good health for him.

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