The Privilege of Raising Confident Young Men: Mateo

As our children grow older, we’re keenly aware that we’re preparing them to become confident, independent adults. Guatemala needs confident men who will fight for the rights and dignity of everyone, especially women and those who struggle. A Leader in the Making Mateo exemplifies these traits and...

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An Opportunity for San Nicolas

Some people may believe in chance encounters, but we believe God connects us with those he wants us to serve in Guatemala. Earlier this year, Bertha, our Community Projects Director, met a wonderfully kind woman at one of her regular appointments in Guatemala City. Although a chance meeting during...

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Finding the Balance between Helping and Hurting

Visitors to Dorie’s Promise are often shocked by the widespread poverty they encounter. The vast differences between the familiar sights of modern Guatemala City with its American restaurants, gated communities, and shopping malls are a stark contrast to the families they meet working in the dump...

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We’re More Than Half Way to Our Goal

At the beginning of 2019, we made a bold statement. We want to be fully funded by monthly sponsorships this year. Quite honestly, it’s scary to share. This has always been our dream, but we don’t want to make a bold statement and then fail. What happens if we reach December 31st and the website...

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Our Mid-year School Update

While most people in the U.S. are enjoying their summer break, our kids are only halfway through their school year. Remember, our school year in Guatemala runs from January through late October to early November. Recently, Lucky, our teacher at Dorie’s Promise, shared great news about our kids and...

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How to Love our Children Well

We have some of the most loving and dedicated sponsors in the world. You faithfully give donations to help us raise our children, visit our home, and even go above and beyond to help with big projects. Without donors, Dorie’s Promise wouldn’t exist. We want to honor your commitment to our children...

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Get to Know Our Special Mothers: Mama Lorena

Have you ever wondered why we call the ladies who work in our homes “Special Mothers”? They are special, and many are mothers, but there is something more to these women. It takes a very special person to care for someone else’s children as if they are your own, and that is what the Special...

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Rolling out the Welcome Mat for Summer Visitors

Memorial Day weekend and the end of school in the United States mark the start of our summer missions season at Dorie’s Promise. Each summer approximately 300 visitors from all over the United States and Canada descend on our guest house over the course of ten weeks. Our staff is working hard...

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Soccer, Piano, Gymnastics, and Guitar – Oh My!

With 40 kids, our activity calendar is quite busy. We have kids in multiple activities on most days and find ourselves spending a lot of time in our van. It’s just like your day, with a few more kids. Very early on we decided our kids deserved the best family environment we could provide. The...

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The Privilege of Raising Strong Young Women: Flor

Just over two years ago, Flor and her brother came to Dorie’s Promise. We’ve been impressed repeatedly since then by her strength, poise, and intelligence. Flor is a young woman who will definitely make an impact on the world. Flor and Mateo’s story is slightly different than the others in our...

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