Investing in the Next Generation of World Changers

For 3 weeks every summer board member Cinda Rachor takes over Dorie’s Promise with teams of teenagers from her hometown in Michigan. Our guest houses become a hive of energy and excitement. Originally finding Dorie’s Promise during their adoption* journey, the Rachor family connected with our...

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Behind the Scenes: Meet Ana Maria

Children enter our home after enduring a wide range of traumatic experiences. For some, physical abuse, neglect, and poverty consumed their previous lives. Coupled with the loss of their biological families and homes, our children enter care in a fragile emotional state. Trauma affects more than...

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Welcome Our Newest Baby to Dorie’s Promise

At the beginning of June, we unexpectedly welcomed baby Ana Sofia into our home. Under normal circumstances, when needs arise the court reaches out to orphanage directors to inquire about placements based on gender, age, and level of care required. (Read more in our post The Path Leading Children...

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Come See What We’re Doing at Dorie’s Promise

Every year hundreds of visitors join our weekly teams at Dorie’s Promise. In addition to caring for the children who live in our home, we’re committed to partnering with local communities to preserve families on the brink of crisis. By working with families, we help prevent even more children from...

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Helping Our Kids Just Got Easier

For the last decade, our sponsors have faithfully supported the children at Dorie’s Promise. We’re excited to announce that our new website and Sponsorship platform are now live! You can now find updated pictures and stories about each of our children on our easy-to-use Sponsor Page. Go ahead,...

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Family Trips to Dorie’s Promise: The Johnson’s

Every year, hundreds of people visit Dorie’s Promise as part of our teams. Although we enjoy everyone who visits, when families serve together, something special happens. This week we want to highlight the Johnson family (Kevin, Debi, Sarah, and Josh) of Michigan. Their First Trip to Guatemala...

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Siblings Learning to Dream Again

Each of our children longs for a family where they feel loved and included. Our deepest desire is to see their dreams come true by being reunited with their birth families or placed in adoptive homes. For the times when this dream doesn’t come true, our staff dries tears, answers questions, and...

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Seeing Needs and Serving Families

We believe God has called us to serve the forgotten children of Guatemala. Within our home, we care for 40 children who were orphaned or abandoned, but there are many more children who need our help as well. What if we could prevent children from entering Guatemala’s orphanages? Although we can’t...

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Celebrating Guatemala’s Beauty: Semana Santa

The natural beauty of Guatemala’s landscape is rivaled only by the beauty of its people and traditions. This week we’re celebrating one of the country’s most significant holidays, Semana Santa (Holy Week). As a country with deep connections to the Catholic Church, Semana Santa represents the faith...

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