Healing Hand, Healing Hearts

By Desi Stephens- One of the most vital elements of the program offered at Dorie’s Promise is the medical care provided for children under the direction of Dr. Francisco Castro. A pediatrician for 30 years, Dr. Castro earned his medical degree at the University of San Carlos and has done...

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Goodbye Marlon!

Marlon came to Dorie's Promise in January of 2009, just before his 2nd birthday, through a court order after he was abandoned at a Fire Station. We are so happy to announce that Marlon has found a Guatemalan family to adopt him. Marlon is an amazing 5-year-old who loves to stay active! His...

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Newest Child Maria

By Desi Stephens- The newest child at our home came to us from the government orphanage where FCI’s mission teams serve. Maria was placed there two days after her birth when her 19-year-old mother abandoned her. Special Mother Ismelda Sumale is caring for Maria, who was born Apr. 14....

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Mama Nico

By Alej Diaz- On June 6, Nicolasa Sumale celebrated her tenth anniversary with Dorie’s Promise, an occasion that put smiles on everyone’s face here. “Mama Nico,” as she is known, is one of the reasons we call the women who care for our children Special Mothers. She likes...

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Goodbye Jose Chocoj

By Alej Diaz José Chocoj came to Dorie’s Promise when he was 3 months old.  The Minor’s Court declared him adoptable in 2010. During the hearing we found out that José was stolen by a lady at the hospital and when Ministerio Publico found him they sent him to Dorie’s Promise for...

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We Love Happy Endings…

By Alej Diaz Around here, we love happy endings. Take the note we received recently from Kim and Dave, a couple who took their son home in 2004. Though born three weeks prematurely and suffering from neo-natal pneumonia, today Stephen is a thriving first-grader and active in their church’s Awanas...

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Reunited with Her Siblings!

By Alej Diaz Mid-May brought one of the most joy-filled reunions Dorie’s Promise has ever seen. After being separated last year, 13-year-old Mirna was reunited with her baby brother and three younger sisters. Abraham, Maria, Ana and Ingrid came to the home in February of 2010. We had received a...

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Saying Goodbye to Friends…

By Desi Stephens Just the other day we got the news… A judge made the surprise decision that Daniela and her brother Jose Luis will be leaving Dories Promise to go live relatives. While we will miss these two little angles, we believe they will be in great hands with their family. The family has...

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Marcela Goes to the U.S. with Her Parents!

By Alej Diaz – When Paul Kvinta and his daughter, Marcela, left Dorie’s Promise last weekend, it wasn’t any ordinary parting. Paul spent the past eight months here as he waited for the adoption to be finalized. During that time Marcela celebrated her third birthday. They returned to...

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A Beehive of Excitment

By Desi Stephens – Dorie’s Promise has been a beehive of excitement and activity this past week. In addition to two dinners honoring our Special Mothers, founder Heather Beazley Radu and other board members of Forever Changed International visited with our staff and all the children. ...

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Celebrating Special Mothers

By Alej Diaz – Our 32 Special Moms are more excited than usual this week. Last night we held our first Mothers Day Celebration for these special mothers at a wonderful restaurant in Guatemala City. Founder Heather Radu was our guest speaker. The message she shared really touched the mothers....

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Thank You Alej Diaz!

By Ken Walker – For Alejandra Diaz, serving as director of Dorie’s Promise means much more than a job. “Since I came here the blessings on my life and family have been countless,” she says. “They have surpassed our expectations.” Alej, as everyone knows her, joined the home when it was known...

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