Goodbye Jose Chocoj

A New Home for Jose
By Alej Diaz

José Chocoj came to Dorie’s Promise when he was 3 months old.  The Minor’s Court declared him adoptable in 2010.

During the hearing we found out that José was stolen by a lady at the hospital and when Ministerio Publico found him they sent him to Dorie’s Promise for protection.

The state spent time looking for Jose’s real parents.  When they found them, Jose’s parents were greatful but had no ability to communicate in Spanish.  They only spoke their native language called Kekchi.  The language barrier made it almost impossible for them to ask for help and to understand the legal process they had to follow up in order to get custody Jose.

They never stopped working to get José back.  His father learned enough Spanish to get Social Services to help him get custody of Jose.

We are proud to say we loved and cared for Jose while he was with us.  He will always be part of our family.  We are thrilled that he is finally joining his mother, father, little sister (2 years old) and a little brother (3 months old).

Jose’s new home is in Cobán about a five hour drive from Dorie’s Promise.

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