Save the Date for Your 2019 Trip to Dorie’s Promise

It’s winter in much of the United States and the cold weather might have you dreaming of summer warmth and fun. As you start planning your summer vacation, have you considered visiting Dorie’s Promise this year? Our team and kids would love to see you. Trips for everyone We welcome more than 300...

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2018 Missions Projects Recap

Joining our team in 2017, Bertha, our Community Project Coordinator, has transformed our already successful short-term missions projects into a sustainable community development program. After our former Missions Director took a position with the United Nations, we reorganized our missions staff...

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Back-to-School with 33 Kids!

January means Back-to-School in Guatemala! Unlike in the United States, most schools in Guatemala run from January through October. While your kids are nearly halfway through their school year, ours are counting down the final days of their break. Individualized education is one of the core...

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Dream with Us in 2019

We believe God calls us to care for Guatemala’s forgotten children, the ones who need someone to love them, protect them, and believe in their potential. While in our home, children become our family and have space and support as they heal from past traumas and dream of the future. Just like our...

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Making Christmas Special at Dorie’s Promise

Feliz Navidad from the children and staff at Dorie’s Promise. With 40 kids in our home, Christmas is a big deal. There’s lots of shopping to do, gifts to wrap, activities to attend, and special meals to make. In the midst of our Christmas preparation, one thing remains the same each year: we’re...

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A Special Note from Doc Castro

For more than a decade, Doc has served as the loving guardian of our children’s health. His care and guidance transform the physical health and lives of our kids. As our children reach adolescence, Doc’s healthcare focus is expanding to ensure our children are prepared to become healthy adults....

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Education That Brings Hope

In my work around the world, I have found that there are two things that can change the course of a child’s life … The first: helping that child come to know and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. I am always amazed to watch this take place in an orphaned child’s life. They have a...

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The Privilege of Raising Strong Young Women: Aracely

As we go throughout our normal routines, sometimes we forget how much change we’ve experienced during our time serving in Guatemala. Especially after we transitioned to orphan care, the amount of change witnessed in the lives of the children in our home increased exponentially. No longer temporary...

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Get to Know Our Special Mothers: Mama Diana

Have you ever wondered why we call the ladies who work in our homes “Special Mothers”? They are special, and most are mothers, but there is something more to these women. It takes a very special person to care for someone else’s children as if they are your own, and that is what the Special...

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Thank You for a Great 2018

As we approach the holiday season, we want to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported Forever Changed International and the children of Dorie’s Promise in 2018. We are very aware that everything we do relies on our donors and supporters. Without you, we could not provide the loving home...

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