COVID-19, Doc Castro’s June Update

In April, Doc Castro shared an update with us about COVID-19 in Guatemala. With so many developments surrounding the virus in recent months, we asked Doc to update us again about the current situation. Today, we’re sharing his most recent update. Can you describe the current COVID-19 situation in...

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Staying Connected with Our Church Family

As many areas in the United States begin reopening, in Guatemala we’re still under strict stay-at-home orders. We’re entering our fourth month of e-learning, daily curfews, and travel restrictions. Honestly, even with all of that, we’re missing people the most. We miss our friends, our mission...

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Happier at Home, an Upside of Quarantine

Life during quarantine has been hard. Just like yours, our kids have been home from school since March. Public buses are shut down, we can’t travel between departments (states), and we have nationwide curfews, making our staff’s daily commutes difficult. But, amid all the difficulties, there are...

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Healthy, Happy Kids Even During Times of Stress

The last few months have been difficult for all of us. Most of us aren’t accustomed to the uncertainty and lack of control we’ve experienced. Imagine what it feels like for children, especially children who have already overcome traumatic experiences. We’re committed to healthy, happy kids even...

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Laughter and Smiles Straight from Dorie’s Promise

Life looks very different lately at Dorie’s Promise, but with 40 kids something fun or funny is always happening. Here’s your weekly dose of laughter and smiles straight from Dorie’s Promise. We make learning fun! Recently, we shared about how our teachers have adapted to distance learning....

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Love, Hope, and Poverty: Christopher’s Story

Less than an hour after clearing customs, I walked into Dorie’s Promise. From the nurse’s room, the quiet cry of a baby drew my attention. There aren’t many babies at Dorie’s Promise anymore so this little cry was like a beacon for my baby-loving heart. Within minutes, I fell in love with baby...

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Some Super Heroes Don’t Wear Capes – They Teach!

Just like your kids, our kids have all switched to distance learning. Needless to say, it was a big adjustment in our home. Thankfully, Lucky and Jenny, our teachers, are doing an amazing job transforming their classrooms and organizing everyone’s schedules. Today, we’re sharing our recent...

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Monica’s Quinceañera: a Celebration of Family

Please note, Monica’s quinceañera was held earlier this year before any COVID-19 cases were diagnosed in the United States or Guatemala. Family—it’s what every child wants, especially children in the family court and foster care systems. Everything we do at Dorie’s Promise focuses on creating a...

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COVID-19: Snapshots from Our Community Partners

There are moments when our purpose becomes clear. This is one of those moments. For Dorie’s Promise, our primary purpose is to transform the lives of children in our home. At the same time, we’re called to serve and support those who are changing lives and empowering families in Guatemala. Even...

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