The Children of House 5

By Bradley Burck- When I go to Guatemala the first place I go to visit is House 5 to see the special needs children.  One of the children my wife and I have made it a point to sponsor – his name is Alex.  I also love Efrain and Miguel. Here's what is special about these...

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In the Kitchen at Dorie’s Promise

An Interview with Chef Mayra What’s your background? I’m a 27 year-old Guatemalan. I studied at a cooking academy for more than 2 years and this is my 4th experience in a professional kitchen. My interest in cooking started when I was a child while playing with my friends. We would use...

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A Giving Visit

We received a great note recently from Sally Wagner, one of our Forever Moms. We think it will bring a smile to your face — it did to ours… Our son, Carlos, was adopted … in 2005. When we visited Dorie’s Promise in March this past year (Carlos’ first visit back since...

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Hope in the New Year

        By Pablo Villagran- Happy 2013! Our staff is brimming with optimism as we enter the new year. This outlook stems from what we have seen God do during the past year and faith that He will lead us into a better future. “The visits by mission groups were...

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Results for You!

I want to give you an update on the education fund we have been writing about for the last few weeks.  Over the weekend we hit our goal!  We actually exceeded it by nearly $2,000.  We plan to use these additional dollars to help our teacher Claudia work with a few of the children...

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Experience the joy! Watch Our 2012 Video

WATCH NOW – Nothing is more important or rewarding than joining God in His mighty work. See how the Lord is using you in the lives of the children at Dorie’s Promise. BE ENCOURAGED – Gain unique perspective on your impact in 2012 and prepare for big things in 2013!

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Year-end Reflections

By Pablo Villagran- One of the highlights of this Christmas season was the visit this past week of a team from Crest Baptist Church in Creston, Iowa. Director Alejandra Diaz says the entire staff appreciates the love they and others demonstrated for our children this season. Through the years she...

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We are closer to our goal today…

Our education fund goal is $27,000 before Jan 1st.  We have raised $21,500 as of this week.  That means we have $5,500 left to raise before the end of the year.  Keep praying for everyone working on this project.  With your help, we are going to get it done! Every gift matters...

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Help with Education

We currently have 37 children in our care who are all growing up (so fast!). Give for their education… Until this year, we have always had every child enrolled in public school. The education each of them is receiving is below average. Last January, thanks to some special donations, we were...

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Education for A Better Future

For so many children in Guatemala, a future of unlimited possibilities and dreams fulfilled will never become their reality. When you are trying to survive with your family on the streets, school does not become a priority — finding your next meal does. The children of Dorie’s Promise...

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You Are A Blessing

Tomorrow is thanksgiving, a time where our hearts turn to thinking of all the things we have to be grateful for. At Dorie's Promise this has been a year of blessings. New grass, a patio, and most recently a playset for the children are some of the things the come  to mind. We are thankful...

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A Life-changing Education

Remember for a moment going to school as a child…. Everything was new and exciting. You were encouraged daily to reach for the stars and work hard to make your dreams come true. The whole world was in front of you — full of hope and possibilities! For so many children in Guatemala, a...

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