Serving Others in the Real World

Part Four of our new Missions Matter Series, come back each week to find out more about serving those around your home and community as well as around the world. God has given us the power to be His witnesses! Start today… By Heather Radu- Sometimes—and I am guilty of this as well—people...

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More Than Just A Driver – Meet Abel

By Arwen McGilvra – Abel Garcia is more than just the driver for Forever Changed International — he been a great blessing to our ministry, the community, and everyone who meets him. Abel started with us in 2006 as a driver. His responsibilities have grown to include assisting Pablo with the...

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God’s Heart for the Poor

Part Three of our new Missions Matter Series, come back each week to find out more about serving those around your home and community as well as around the world. God has given us the power to be His witnesses! Start today… By Heather Radu- If I said the word “prophet,” what...

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God Remembers Those Who Serve

Part Two of our new Missions Matter Series, come back each week to find out more about serving those around your home and community as well as around the world. God has given us the power to be His witnesses! Start today… By Heather Radu – Did you know that “remember” is one of...

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Silvia Gets Tennis Scholarship!

By MJ Zelaya- Silvia, age 8, has always been known for being very intelligent and energetic — ever since she was a toddler, in fact. At school she excels in her PE classes (we had noticed she was very good at sports). She loves running, jumping, and the challenge of athletics. That gave us the...

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Improvements to House 6

By Heather Radu- After 13 long years of wear and tear, it was definitely time to bring the “cozy factor” back into House 6. Here are some of the exciting changes that were made during my fall trip to Dorie’s Promise: The entire home was freshly painted, including the ceilings. There was a large...

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Bringing Chelsea Home

Guest Post By Tim Sainz- A few weeks ago, Heather Radu asked me to write something about my experience with Dorie’s Promise. “Something brief,” she said. “Or something long. Whatever you want.” The long version is way too long, so I will take a stab at a short one. I have visited Dorie’s Promise...

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Zumba Style for Christmas

Recently we had a visit from four Guatemalan Zumba instructors. They have been working with some of our children for a school vacation course (half of October until the classes finished the first week of December). “I met the children from Dorie’s Promise at the vacation course, and they...

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2013 Video, Thank You Sponsors and Friends

WATCH NOW – See how the Lord is using you in the lives of the children at Dorie’s Promise. BE ENCOURAGED – See the smiles, and the joy in the children’s eyes. Their lives are Forever Changed by the love and care they experience at our home. SPONSOR – Help us continue our...

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Year End Health Report from Dr. Castro

By Dr. Castro- It is my pleasure to announce that we are doing great in the health department. Our children have been healthy, and we have had a wonderful time with them. Like every family we have had our share of colds and flus, but thank God we haven’t had any difficult sicknesses. The one real...

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The Challenge : Poverty in Guatemala

Can you imagine living on a budget of one dollar a day per person in your family? What would you eat? What happens when you need a doctor? By Arwen McGilvra- In Guatemala, nearly 8 million people live in rural areas, and of those, 57% live in poverty, which means they have a budget of about one...

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