A Fun Day Out At the Tennis Club!

By Omar David – I have been visiting Dorie’s Promise for four years and still come once a week to play with the kids.  You will find me there every Thursday afternoon for about 45 minutes. I got to know about Forever Changed International while playing tennis with Dr. Castro.  A couple...

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Being Grateful

By MJ Zelya – If I think about what I am thankful for this year a myriad of things come to mind—a big list. Especially all the good things received from our Heavenly Father. He has been watching over us and did not abandon us despite storms and circumstances, in which we live daily. What we...

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Good Health & Relationships at Dorie’s Promise

By Dr. Francisco Castro – We believe that good health depends on dynamic but stable relationships among biological, psychological, social and spiritual factors. A comprehensive and integral health system should become involved in attending to such factors. Our system utilizes four health...

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Minds At Work

What a difference a few years can make in the life of a child. Now just multiply that change by the number of children at Dorie’s Promise whose lives are changed daily through the gift of attending a private school! The transformation in their young lives is truly amazing. What started with only...

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A New School in Palencia: Built by Our Missions Teams!

By FCI Team – Dorie’s Promise is making history! Thanks to numerous mission teams that helped us throughout the summer, we are close to completing a new school in Palencia, about an hour from Guatemala City. Thanks to volunteer labor from our missionaries, we will be able to build the school...

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A Pleasant Surprise

  By FCI Team – We recently received a pleasant surprise: a gift of approximately $1,800 in sponsorship money for four of our children, enough to sponsor each of the four for a year. The gift came from Antelope Hills Christian Church in Canby, Minnesota, which raised the funds during...

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A Birthday Party to Remember!

On Sunday, July 19, Ana turned 9 and had a very special birthday celebration with her friends — one she will always remember. Her party included pizza, cupcakes, and colorful balloon crowns that her dad made for her and all the guests. But there was something missing — birthday gifts. Instead of...

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Alejandra’s Forever Family

By MJ Zelya- Alejandra came to Dorie’s Promise by court order in March 2010, when she was only 25 days old. When we received her she was very tiny and suffering from several health problems — predominantly acute respiratory illnesses. We were sad to know that she had been abandoned by her mother....

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Extracurricular Activities: Karate Classes

By MJ Zelya – Part of the responsibility as a home-shelter for our children is to ensure not only intellectual development, but also good physical and emotional development as well. So besides education, developing the children’s physical abilities and motor skills is one of our priorities —...

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Update on Siblings Ana Lucia & Fabiola

By MJ Zelya – Time is going so fast, and it’s amazing to see our kids growing and developing well at school and in the home. Ana Lucia and Fabiola came eight months ago (read Changing Lives Every Day!) and since then have had many positive changes both physically and emotionally. Their...

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The New Vehicles Are Great Blessings!

For us at Dorie’s Promise, the safety of our children, along with their happiness and health, is one of the most important needs we meet. Every day we need to transport them to the school, appointments, or different outings, and it feels really good to know that the vehicles in which they are...

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