Understanding Poverty’s Effects on Families

Many people may be surprised to discover that most of the children at Dorie’s Promise have at least one living biological parent. In reality, we’re a home for orphaned and abandoned children, as well as foster children. Understanding why so many children enter Guatemala’s family court system...

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Remembering the Purpose of Our Work

With 40 children in our home, it’s easy to be overwhelmed at times by the immediate needs of our children. Forty children create a lot of dirty clothes, eat a lot of food, and have a lot of homework. Recently, we received a letter from a former resident of Dorie’s Promise and were reminded of how...

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The Joy of Families Reunited

For 19 years, we have cared for the children of Guatemala and helped unite them with loving families. Although our deepest desire is for each child to find a home with a loving family, transitions are both happy and sad. We are joyful for the future our children will have, but sad over the loss we...

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Alejandra’s Vision for the Future

For 14 years, Alejandra Diaz has served the children of Dorie’s Promise and helped shape our vision for orphan care and orphan prevention. Her dedication has created a home where children feel loved and are given support as they heal and thrive. During her tenure, Alejandra has witnessed major...

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A Different Kind of Trip: Company Teams

An unexpected turn of events brought the team from Interstate Batteries back to Dorie’s Promise last November. We enjoy the opportunity to host teams of all varieties, most of which include families or church groups. We were especially excited for the opportunity to experience the dynamic brought...

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The Village behind Dorie’s Promise

At Dorie’s Promise, the African proverb “it takes a village to raise a child” comes to life. During a recent visit, Marcos, one of our staff members, perfectly described what this proverb means in our home. Our village stretches from Guatemala to America and beyond, including thousands of people...

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Celebrating a Pair of Quinceañeras

As the girls in our home get older, we find ourselves hosting quinceañeras more frequently. Recently, both Jennifer and Ana celebrated their 15th birthdays. For our girls, this is more than just another birthday celebration. We are celebrating their growth as beautiful, strong young women....

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Family Update: The Fajardo Gómez Family

Each week, our teams serve families throughout Guatemala. Their stories vary, but each family shares a common bond of struggle. Although they may face differing hardships, they need help to provide the basic necessities to their families. The Fajardo Gómez family was helped last year. Meeting the...

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Compassionate Care for Our Boys

As we’ve shared many times before, several of our children have significant medical concerns. Often, they arrive in our home battling emotional, psychological, and physical trauma simultaneously. Finding the correct diagnosis and treatment can sometimes be difficult. In the middle of playing legos...

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Get to Know Our Special Mothers: Mama Ingrid

Have you ever wondered why we call the ladies who work in our homes Special Mothers? They are special, and most are mothers, but there is something more to these women. It takes a very special person to care for someone else’s children as if they are your own, and that is what the Special Mothers...

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The Benefit of Creating Connections

Every year we welcome hundreds of visitors to Dorie’s Promise in Guatemala City. Not only is it home for our children, but it also serves as home base for our short-term missions program. The combination of a private home and missions house is a constant balancing act for our staff. Our priority...

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Helping Miguel Reach His Potential

During the summer of 2007, we welcomed a very special baby to Dorie’s Promise. Miguel came to our home as a little boy in need of someone who would love him, despite his many medical challenges. Understanding Miguel’s story One of the most difficult parts of our job is the unknown we face....

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