Siblings Learning to Dream Again

Each of our children longs for a family where they feel loved and included. Our deepest desire is to see their dreams come true by being reunited with their birth families or placed in adoptive homes. For the times when this dream doesn’t come true, our staff dries tears, answers questions, and...

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Hope for Orphans: An Update on Lucia and Fabiola

By MJ Zelya – Its been almost two years since Lucia (also called Ana Lucia) and her sister Fabiola arrived at Dorie’s Promise and their lives have been changed in many ways since then. At first, they were very shy – keeping to themselves and not saying much. They came to our home...

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Update on Siblings Ana Lucia & Fabiola

By MJ Zelya – Time is going so fast, and it’s amazing to see our kids growing and developing well at school and in the home. Ana Lucia and Fabiola came eight months ago (read Changing Lives Every Day!) and since then have had many positive changes both physically and emotionally. Their...

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Changing Lives Every Day!

By Alej Diaz- Some weeks ago I attended a hearing for two of our new children, Ana Lucía and Fabiola. During that hearing I realized one more time why we are here … why we serve at Dorie’s Promise … why it is so important to open our hands and our hearts to those children who have nowhere to go....

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Reunited with Her Siblings!

By Alej Diaz Mid-May brought one of the most joy-filled reunions Dorie’s Promise has ever seen. After being separated last year, 13-year-old Mirna was reunited with her baby brother and three younger sisters. Abraham, Maria, Ana and Ingrid came to the home in February of 2010. We had received a...

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