Birthday Updates and Blessings from Dorie’s Promise—September 2020

Birthday Updates and Blessings from Dorie’s Promise—September 2020

Happy Birthday from Dorie’s Promise! 🎂 Last month our birthday celebration was a bit different than normal. We’re excited to share a little update about September’s birthday boy—Sebastian!

Costumes, Cupcakes, and a Piñata

Having only one birthday kiddo to celebrate in a month is a rarity in our home. Last month, we let the preschoolers go wild with a celebration for Sebastian. After 6 months of quarantine and distance learning, they were ready to party!

Instead of our usual cake as a big family in the backyard, we transformed the playroom and patio into a party fit for just them. Costumes bins came out of storage. A huge Paw Patrol piñata showed up. And there were cupcakes will thick icing.

This was the party of 2020! Check out the guest list—Iron Man, a duck, Little Red Riding Hood, a Flower, a Ladybug, Winnie the Pooh, a skunk, a ballerina, and even a chick. Everyone had a great time singing, playing games, breaking the piñata, and eating cupcakes.

🥳 Sebastian

In 2017 when he was only 2 months old, Sebastian came to Dorie’s Promise. He, his older brother Isaias, and his older sister Sofia are all foster children in our home. Their case is methodically working through the family court system. We’re hopeful there may be developments in their case next year.

Sebastian is a funny, sweet little boy. Thanks to all the attention he receives from the older kids, he’s also very smart for his age and creative. He loves to play with Legos, spending lots of time in the playroom, sorting the blocks by color and shape before building. Luckily, we have lots of Legos and a Lego wall where he can build everything he dreams up.

Since all of his friends are doing preschool from home this year, Sebastian joins in the fun too. Miss Jenny has been very impressed with his speech development. In the last few months, his efforts to say more words and repeat the names of our staff are growing. Being surrounded by other preschoolers and having help from Miss Jenny encourages him to try new things and learn new skills.

He is an absolute delight in our home.

From our staff, “Your life is a blessing to us. We rejoice in the accomplishments you have each day and we hope your life is filled with happy moments. We love you very much.”

Happy 3rd Birthday Sebastian!

Your support gives our children hope for more birthdays at Dorie’s Promise. Visit our Sponsor page today and help transform the lives of our kids.

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