A Good Start to the New School Year

A Good Start to the New School Year

Just one month ago, our children started a new school year. Once again the counters in our homes are lined with lunchboxes and book bags. Our kids are up early and headed to their various schools in bright, new uniforms. Unlike in the United States, the Guatemalan school year begins in January and ends in October.

A few months ago we gave you a sneak peek at our plans for the 2018 school year. Some of our children started new schools this year while others are experiencing the joy of seeing all their friends after a long break. Everyone is starting to settle into the new school year.

With 36 children headed to 5 different schools each day, keeping up with everyone’s homework and special activities is a full-time job. Luckily with we have 2 great teachers who help us stay on top of everyone’s school work.

Meet our Teachers:


Our teacher, Lucky.Prior to becoming our teacher, Lucky was a Special Mother for 5 years. Working as a Special Mother gave her a unique perspective on our children. She helped them with homework, cared for them each day, and understood their unique emotional and intellectual needs.

When our teaching position opened up, Lucky knew she wanted to focus on helping all of our children through learning. Lucky believes that “teaching is not transferring knowledge, instead it’s creating possibilities for children to produce and build knowledge.” As she works with our children, Lucky focuses on helping them believe in themselves and overcome any obstacles they face in their school work.

Each year, Lucky works to improve her own teaching methods to best meet the needs of our children. She has completed courses in Montessori methods as well as those in human rights. Her goal is not only to help our children excel academically but to also prepare them for adulthood and raise them in a way that promotes their emotional well-being. She aims to reinforce the vision of our team—to raise children who become independent, strong, loved, prepared, and successful adults.


Yoselin is a teaching assistant at Dorie's Promise.Working with the children at Dorie’s Promise comes naturally to Yoselin. Not only does she love working with children, but her mother, Mirna, is also our staff nurse.

In 2017, Yoselin joined our staff to provide extra support for Lucky. During that first school year, she worked with the teachers of Mario and Joshua in their classrooms, providing an invaluable connection between their school and our home. Thanks to joint efforts of Yoselin and the teachers, our boys made good process in school. This year Yoselin is overseeing the school work of half our boys.

In addition to working at Dorie’s Promise, Yoselin attends college as an education major. We appreciate how she incorporates her studies into our home, adapting her classwork to each of children and watching them improve. Yoselin hopes our children become lifelong learners.

The 7 Keys to Learning in Our Home:

  1. Identify each child’s interests and help them explore these subjects to become active learners
  2. Encourage reading for all children
  3. Promote and reinforce healthy values
  4. Allow children to investigate and create through dynamic learning activities
  5. Offer stability and order at home to replicate school
  6. Teach self-disciple and responsibility
  7. Always offer positive reinforcement, unconditional love, and motivation to succeed

We want to thank Lucky and Yoselin for their dedication to our children.

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