Sponsorships Pouring In

We're now up to 21 sponsors!  With the match that's 42!  With 16 days left till the end of the year there is still time to begin a new sponsorship and be a part of the special matching challenge  that's going on now. There are several ways you can help: 1) become a...

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Now You Can Give Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Fund Shares

By Bradley Burck If you have stock, bonds, or mutual fund shares that you have owned for more than one year, you may donate them to Forever Changed International and use their fair market value when gifted as the amount of your donation. This benefits both the children in our care and you. You are...

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Efrain has Cataract Surgery

By Desi Stephens- Last week we experienced a real-life demonstration of why our campaign to raise $31,000 by Dec. 31 to adequately fund the medical program at Dorie’s Promise is so important. Seven-year-old Efrain had surgery recently on his left eye because of cataracts. Surgeons removed...

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Sinkhole Interrupts Renovations

By Desi Stephens- A sinkhole that developed in our backyard in late summer interrupted progress on our renovation project, but this delay hasn’t sidetracked our plans to continue improving recreational opportunities for our children. So far, we have completed a covered patio and the wall...

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Medical Care Campaign

By Desi Stephens- Two months ago we carried a report about the medical care offered under the direction of Dr. Francisco Castro. Dorie’s Promise recently announced a campaign to raise just over $32,000 by the end of 2011 for our medical program. The reason is a decline in the general...

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Thriving After Leaving Dorie’s Promise

By Ken Walker- The mothers of two children who left Dorie’s Promise last spring say they are thriving in their new surroundings, adapting to their extended families, and starting preschool this fall. After a gradual transition to his new home and a different language, Evan Alejandro Anderson...

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VBS Raises $1000 for Dorie’s Promise

By Jill Easterling- It is VBS time again and the kids of Johnson United Methodist Church in Norton, Ohio spent a fun filled week stepping back in time to the days when Jesus was a kid. The church and the Family Life Center were transformed into Hometown Nazareth complete with a Jewish market...

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