Giving Children Opportunities to Play, Learn and Dance!

We were recently contacted by a non-profit organization called Traveling Tutus.  They donate gently used ballet costumes, tap shoes and ballet shoes to underprivileged children.  We gave them sizes and favorite colors for the girls at Dorie’s Promise. They sent us back dance costumes and...

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By MJ Zelya- This note really has been inspired by God…I feel He spoke to my heart, urging me to express my gratitude and thanking those who have been channels of blessing to us, no matter the size or shape. What matters is the motivation behind people’s generosity — LOVE. It’s amazing how...

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A New School Year

Education is very important to a child’s development. That’s why Dorie’s Promise puts an emphasis on our children’s education. We want to prepare children for the future so that they can give testimony of God’s grace for the opportunity to study — one that many children in Guatemala would like and...

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A Report from Doctor Castro

Some reflections on my experience as a physician and pediatrician at Dorie’s Promise, serving orphans and battered, abused, neglected Guatemalan children: In my youth I was attracted to, and still am, to three different fields of study: anthropology, architecture, and medicine. I learned, in...

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We Met Our Goal!! All Because Of You!

Since August 2014, we have been asking our friends and supporters to help us buy a new microbus to transport our children. If you’ve been to Guatemala, you have seen firsthand that our current vehicles are no longer safe and secure to transport our children. We actually needed a Microbus for our...

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Christmas for Orphans at Dorie’s Promise

Christmas — the celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ in a stable outside an inn in the town of Bethlehem. A time of love, peace, and harmony. Christmas in Guatemala is celebrated in a very special way — streets, homes, and businesses begin setting up all kinds of representative motifs...

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Thank You for A Great 2014

As you watched the video I hope you noticed the bright and happy smiles of our children. Having just been in Guatemala, I can tell you that our homes are running better than they ever have. I’m so proud of our team and the hard work they are doing to care for our children. But I have to tell...

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Year-End Giving

We can’t thank our Sponsors and Donors enough for their generosity this past year! We praise God for all that we were able to accomplish because of YOU – our faithful partners who help us so generously. Thank you for giving to our children and home. We want to ask you one last time for 2014 to...

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Give A Special Gift to Orphans

Sponsoring a child is a gift that gives a life – Forever Changed. Our goal is to see Dorie’s Promise Guatemala fully funded by monthly sponsors.  By funding our home 100% through sponsorship, we can be certain that our monthly obligations will be met. It is essential that as a ministry we...

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Changing Lives Every Day!

By Alej Diaz- Some weeks ago I attended a hearing for two of our new children, Ana Lucía and Fabiola. During that hearing I realized one more time why we are here … why we serve at Dorie’s Promise … why it is so important to open our hands and our hearts to those children who have nowhere to go....

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Giving Thanks

By Arwen McGilvra- This Thanksgiving we’d like to look back over 2014 and the many things we have to be thankful for at Dorie’s Promise Guatemala. To start the year off we shared the wonderful news of Chelsea going home to her Forever Family. This year we’ve seen many children go...

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Celebrating Advancement in Education

By MJ Zelya- The school year starts in January and ends in October in Guatemala. This year we’ve been very blessed at our home: children have been reunited with their adoptive parents, we have new children whose lives can now be forever changed, and we received many missionaries who have come to...

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