Make A Donation

Donation plugin and fundraising platform from Give.

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The Environment

Donation plugin and fundraising platform from Give.

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Animal Rescue

Donation plugin and fundraising platform from Give.

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Support Education

Donation plugin and fundraising platform from Give.

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Quality education, improving lives, stabilizing and supporting families, support and grow uniquely impactful programs to create long-term benefits for low-income populations.

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Read the latest news from our blog:

Get to Know Our Special Mothers: Mama Ingrid

Get to Know Our Special Mothers: Mama Ingrid

Have you ever wondered why we call the ladies who work in our homes Special Mothers? They are special, and most are mothers, but there is something more to these...

The Benefit of Creating Connections

The Benefit of Creating Connections

Every year we welcome hundreds of visitors to Dorie’s Promise in Guatemala City. Not only is it home for our children, but it also serves as home base for our...

Helping Miguel Reach His Potential

Helping Miguel Reach His Potential

During the summer of 2007, we welcomed a very special baby to Dorie’s Promise. Miguel came to our home as a little boy in need of someone who would love him,...

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