Get to Know Our Special Mothers: Mama Noemi

Have you ever wondered why we call the ladies who work in our homes “Special Mothers”? They are special, and most are mothers, but there is something more to these women. It takes a very special person to care for someone else’s children as if they are your own, and that is what the Special...

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A Good Start to the New School Year

Just one month ago, our children started a new school year. Once again the counters in our homes are lined with lunchboxes and book bags. Our kids are up early and headed to their various schools in bright, new uniforms. Unlike in the United States, the Guatemalan school year begins in January and...

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2018: Our Year to Refocus Missions

The 2018 mission trip season is quickly approaching at Dorie’s Promise and we’re readying our home for more than 300 visitors. Recently, our staff met to discuss our home, our children, and what we want 2018 to look like at Dorie’s Promise. Mixing the daily needs of 40 children with 300 visitors...

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Bringing Baseball to Dorie’s Promise

It’s not every week we host a professional baseball player at Dorie’s Promise. So imagine the excitement for our children when New York Yankee’s pitcher Ben Heller visited in December. We caught up with Ben a few weeks ago to follow up on his trip and plans heading into spring training. Ben’s...

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Behind the Scenes: Meet our Board of Directors

Forever Changed International owes a debt of gratitude to the four women who serve along with founder, Heather Radu, as our Board of Directors. These women help guide us, make tremendous contributions with their time and talents, and are our biggest supporters. We would like to thank them for...

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Exciting News for Pastora Mercedez

For the last four years, visiting teams at Dorie’s Promise have faithfully served the children at Casa de Pan feeding center outside the Guatemala City landfill. The weekly visits with Pastora Mercedez and her staff have been a staple of our community work. Pastora Mercedez works with some of the...

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The Path Leading Children to Dorie’s Promise

By Kelly Shank – Have you ever wondered how children find their way to Dorie’s Promise? We want to help you understand the process that brings children into our home. There are many different paths our children take before eventually living at Dorie’s Promise. Some of them were abandoned as...

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Feliz Navidad from Dorie’s Promise

By Kelly Shank – We hope your Christmas was filled with fun, family, and friends! With so kids in our home we can’t help but have fun during Christmas. From the littlest kids to the biggest, everyone has been excited to celebrate. Every year we have special guests who visit our children at...

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New Schools in the New Year

By Kelly Shank – Last week we shared about the fun activities our kids are enjoying during their school vacation. As they are honing their soccer skills and learning new songs on the keyboard, Cecilia and Alejandra have been busy preparing for the new school year. In January, 36 of our children...

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Public Schools In Guatemala Don’t Make the Grade

By Heather Radu – As we look ahead to 2018, I want to ask you to help us continue to make sure our children get the best education possible.  (The new children we have taken in from the fire have made this need even more clear to me.) The problem is, sending our children to public school is...

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Trading Backpacks for Vacation Fun

By Kelly Shank – While children in America are counting down the days till their winter break our kids are savoring their vacation from school. Most of our schools ended by the middle of October and won’t start again until the middle of January. Our home is full of excitement with all of our...

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Finishing Well in 2017

By Kelly Shank – 2017 has been an amazing year at Dorie’s Promise. Over the last few months we’ve shared stories about all the big things happening in our home. Our children, staff, and trip participants all experienced life changing opportunities over the last year. If you missed our stories...

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