Dorie’s Promise Community Outreach: Making a Difference, One Project at a Time

Dorie’s Promise Community Outreach: Making a Difference, One Project at a Time

At Dorie’s Promise, our mission extends far beyond the walls of our home in Guatemala. Over the years, our dedication to the children in our care has grown to encompass a broader vision of community support and development. We’ve learned that addressing the needs of vulnerable children is just one piece of the puzzle; improving their living conditions is equally crucial in creating a dignified life for them and their families.

The Power of Mission Groups

Each year, we organize mission groups from around the globe, primarily from North America, to help communities in need. These groups, often consisting of families and individuals, bring a spirit of determination and goodwill that fuels our projects. In 2024, we are excited to welcome eight groups so far, each bringing unique and impactful projects to the table.

Our coordination team plays a vital role in ensuring that these projects are well-planned and meet the specific needs of the communities we serve. Before starting any project, we engage with local families to understand their needs, allowing us to tailor our efforts to make the most significant impact.

Transforming Lives Through Concrete Floors and More

One of our most frequent projects involves laying concrete floors in homes. In many parts of Guatemala, dirt floors are common, which can lead to health issues for children. By installing concrete floors, we help reduce these risks and improve living conditions. We’ve also provided essential items such as bunk beds to combat overcrowding in small homes.

A notable example of our efforts is the construction of a 4.5m x 4.5m concrete house in Palencia. Additionally, our outreach extends to educational centers, such as the one in San Nicolás, where we created a concrete soccer field, painted bathrooms, and supported the local children’s clinic.

Involving Our Children in Outreach

One of the most rewarding aspects of our outreach is the opportunity for our older children to participate in these projects. Kids like Marcos, Ulises, Brayan, and occasionally Yiré and Nayeli, eagerly join in, often taking on the most challenging tasks with enthusiasm. Their involvement not only helps complete the projects but also allows them to interact with our mission teams and practice their English in a fun, engaging way.

A Mutual Learning Experience

For our mission groups, the experience of working alongside people from different communities is both eye-opening and enriching. They often encounter lifestyles vastly different from their own and witness firsthand the resilience and ingenuity of those facing daily challenges. Guiding our efforts through the teachings of Jesus Christ, we aim to keep compassion and understanding at the heart of every project.

Our groups also visit public orphanages that house approximately 75 teenage girls. These visits can be shocking for some, as the conditions are often much harsher than those at Dorie’s Promise. During these visits, we donate items such as bunk beds and clothes and engage in activities with the girls, who are always grateful for the support and companionship.

Making Small Changes with a Big Impact

Every project we undertake is unique, reflecting the diverse needs of the communities we serve. From donating food baskets and water filters to providing hygiene products, our goal is to make a meaningful difference wherever we go. These experiences not only help improve lives but also bring us closer to our neighbors, fostering a sense of shared purpose and a hopeful vision for the future.

Through our community outreach efforts, we continue to learn and grow, driven by a commitment to create lasting change and build a brighter future for all.

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