Celebrating Independence in Guatemala

By Kelly Shank – Independence Day. What comes to mind when you hear those words? Fireworks. Parades. National Pride. Every summer we pause as a nation to celebrate the day our founding fathers declared their independence from England. In September, the people of Guatemala will do the same. Much...

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Behind the Scenes At Dorie’s Promise: Meet the Staff

By Kelly Shank – Safety in our home, comfort from our staff, careful attention to medical and psychological needs, and fierce passion for justice are the foundations of what our children experience when they enter Dorie’s Promise. These are the ideals we strive for but without staff who...

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What Nayeli Teaches Us about Success

By Kelly Shank – Last year we reached a milestone at Dorie’s Promise. Our oldest child, Nayeli, completed her schooling in Guatemala and transferred to a private school in the United States. Watching her over the last year has been exciting. She’s made the transition to the US, found a great group...

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Maintaining Your Post Trip Impact

By Kelly Shank – Thousands of people have visited Dorie’s Promise as part of our missions teams and many thousands more have been impacted by their stories after they returned home. Visiting our home and experiencing Guatemala firsthand is certainly one of the most impactful ways to learn about...

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Homeschooling Success Stories

By Kelly Shank – For many of us August signals the end of summer vacation and beginning of a new school year. We’re busy scoping out back-to-school sales, shuttling kids to sports practices, and attending back-to-school nights as we ease back into our routines. We don’t question whether our...

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Orphan Care through Missions

By Kelly Shank – God has called us to passionately serve the world’s forgotten children through life-changing ministries. Heather Radu came to Guatemala seventeen years ago to serve children who were vulnerable and forgotten, helping hundreds of orphans be placed in loving families through...

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Fall Mission Trips

By Naomi Beazely – Even though summer is barely under way, it’s time for mission teams, families and church groups to start thinking about the possibilities of a fall mission trip. From mid-October through early December, groups can take advantage of a discounted price, with the per-person...

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Independence Day

By Alejandra Diaz – Guatemala’s Independence Day observance doesn’t arrive until Sept. 15. However, many of our mission teams and financial supporters live in the United States. So at Dorie’s Promise, we feel a special kinship with Americans celebrating their independence this week. We...

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Gymnastics Boosts Girls’ Confidence

By Alejandra Diaz – Even though Guatemala just passed the halfway point of the 2017 school year, our girls are already looking forward to their Gymnastics Vacation Course this fall. A dozen of our girls participated in last fall’s course. About 100 students overall were involved in the...

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Ten-Year Employees Recognized

By Heather Radu – One of the most joyous occasions of this spring was honoring—and saying thanks to—all the employees who have been with Dorie’s Promise for 10 years or longer. We couldn’t have done it without them. They have stayed with us through the years and even in the most difficult of...

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Former Resident Raises $1,000

By Heather Radu – Many generous donors sponsor children, conduct fund-raising events, and give to keep Dorie’s Promise running. But we recently learned about the most unique fund-raising effort conducted in 2016: a former resident organized it. Nine-year-old Maria* was one of our last...

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