Your monthly support provides our children with a loving home and high quality care
Every gift makes a difference. Give today and meet the needs of our children.
Serve with Us
Your time, energy, and talents are needed in Guatemala. Join us at Dorie’s Promise.
Who are we?
We are women and men on a mission to passionately serve the forgotten children of Guatemala. At Dorie’s Promise, we give children the opportunity to thrive.
How can you help?
Sponsor a child today. All proceeds from your sponsorship go directly towards the children’s living, medical, and educational expenses in Guatemala.
Read the latest news from our blog:
Week 1 – Report
Wow! What an amazing response. The children in our care are blessed to have such amazing friends surrounding them and taking care of them. Since we launched last week we’ve had more than a thousand people visit ForeverChangedInternational.org. I’m so excited to share with you today what the Lord has been doing in my life over the past several months.
I’m so excited to share with you today what the Lord has been doing in my life over the past several months.