What Happens When a Child Turns 18 at Dorie’s Promise?

What Happens When a Child Turns 18 at Dorie’s Promise?

As children approach adulthood at Dorie’s Promise, their transition is carefully managed to ensure they are not left to face the world alone. This approach contrasts sharply with the often harsh realities faced by young adults leaving state-run orphanages. At Dorie’s Promise, we focus on personalized plans tailored to each child’s unique needs and aspirations, aiming to provide continued support and guidance as they step into adulthood.

Personalized Life Plans for Every Child

At Dorie’s Promise, turning 18 is not a one-size-fits-all scenario. Each child’s transition is guided by a personalized life plan. This plan is meticulously crafted to reflect the child’s individual interests, strengths, and needs. The goal is to provide a smooth transition into adulthood while ensuring they continue to receive the support they need.

The Role of Special Mothers

One of the most significant aspects of a child’s early years at Dorie’s Promise is their relationship with the Special Mothers. These dedicated caregivers provide more than just daily care; they offer emotional support, guidance, and spiritual enrichment. Special Mothers are often the first to learn about a child’s interests and fears, playing a crucial role in their development and providing a foundation of stability and love.

Educational and Professional Development

Education is a cornerstone of our approach at Dorie’s Promise. The home’s educational program monitors each child’s academic progress, whether they attend external schools or participate in our homeschool program. Special attention is given to their academic strengths and weaknesses, which helps in shaping their future career paths.

Educational Pathways: Children are encouraged to pursue higher education if they show interest and meet the requirements. For those interested in vocational training, we provide opportunities to learn trades such as mechanics, cooking, or cosmetology at institutions like INTECAP. For others ready to enter the workforce immediately, we assist in finding suitable job placements.

Housing Options and Independence

As they reach adulthood, children at Dorie’s Promise have several housing options. They may choose to stay at the home temporarily, move to a different family setting, or find independent living arrangements. Each option is carefully considered and planned to ensure the child’s continued safety and well-being.

Fostering Independence and Individuality

The transition to adulthood is a critical time for fostering independence. At Dorie’s Promise, we encourage children to make their own decisions and explore their personal interests. This empowerment is crucial for developing their sense of individuality and motivation to achieve their goals.

Ongoing Support and Care

Regardless of the specific plans for each child, one constant remains: the unwavering support and care from the Dorie’s Promise staff. From the Special Mothers to the educators, everyone is committed to helping each child thrive as they grow into adulthood. The journey may involve changes and unexpected turns, but we approach each transition with patience, empathy, and a dedication to providing new opportunities for every child.

At Dorie’s Promise, we believe in nurturing each child to reach their full potential, ensuring they are equipped to face the world with confidence and support.

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