Zumba Style for Christmas

Zumba Style Christmas Party

Santa came with gifts for the Zumba PartyRecently we had a visit from four Guatemalan Zumba instructors. They have been working with some of our children for a school vacation course (half of October until the classes finished the first week of December).

“I met the children from Dorie’s Promise at the vacation course, and they captivated my heart with their joy and enthusiasm. Plus, they are all so very polite. Those qualities motivate me to want to know more about them and spend more time with them,” said Juan.

Juan and the other instructors gladly brought Santa to our home for a Zumba Christmas celebration! It was something completely different from our usual activities, and our children had fun from start to finish! Their faces were full of happiness, some were amazed, and others found it hard to believe that Santa came to visit them with gifts!

They were jumping from side to side. They were dancing and singing songs they had learned in the Zumba classes. They begged for another song from the Zumba teacher because they did not want to stop dancing! It was so exciting for us to watch them be so happy and enjoying a different kind of Christmas party.

Zumba is International

Santa Visits Dorie's Promise GuatemalaIn 2012, a man name Juan Jo founded a Zumba program in Guatemala. As he started to promote it, Zumba took off in Guatemala, just like it has in the States. He has certified more than 100 Guatemalans to be instructors, helping them get fit and be healthier.

Juan was one of those and started a project with the Culture and Sports Ministry in Guatemala City to teach Zumba classes to all the kids attending the vacation course. Zumba helps improve motor skills, self-esteem, and is fun for children who may not like other sports.

Zumba is great for our children, and we love that they got the opportunity to learn more about staying fit and healthy.

And by partnering with Dorie’s Promise, the instructors have been changed too: “I would like to see more people support organizations like yours,” Juan says. “The work you do helps many children in need — whether they are adopted, go back with their family, or wherever they go … they take a seed of love, sown by all the staff at the home of Dorie’s Promise! We congratulate Dorie’s Promise and Forever Changed for the beautiful labor that is changing these kids’ lives!”

Go to our Facebook page to see more photos from the Christmas Party.


  1. Juanjo

    Hi, I just want to say that those children are beautiful…!!!
    And I would like to say that I didn’t found the program Zumba in my country, I’m just the marketing agent and a licensed instructor.
    The founders are 3 genius, Alberto Perlman, Beto Perez and Alberto Angion.
    And For sure I will bring more happiness to those Angels again!
    See you soon…

    • Arwen McGilvra

      Sorry, we may have gotten the names wrong. Thank you for providing us with better info, and thank you for coming and making that day so special for our children!

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